I can't install boltiot to python..it seems the below error

Hi @gopa7172

Please try the below command:

pip3 install boltiot

Also, can you share a screenshot of the entire error message you are getting in the terminal?

Do try this and let us know.

Hello @gopa7172

Please try these commands once:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
pip3 install boltiot

May be this can help.

Try creating a virtual environment in VScode and install boltiot library using
pip3 install boltiot
check whether the code is working properly or not then try to implement using digital ocean ssh or virtual machine

@gopa7172 Is your issue resolved after following the above steps? Do share the screenshot of your code and error if you are still facing issues after the above step.

Please try the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
pip3 install boltiot

These might help resolve the issue.

  1. Using pip3 directly:
  • Open your terminal (assuming you’re using Ubuntu).
  • Run the following commands:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install boltiot
    This should install the Bolt IoT library.
  1. Creating a virtual environment in VS Code:
  • If you’re using Visual Studio Code, consider creating a virtual environment.
  • Install the Bolt IoT library within the virtual environment using:
    pip3 install boltiot
  • Test your code within the virtual environment to ensure it’s working as expected.
  1. Share the complete error message:
  • If you’re still facing issues, please share the complete error message you’re encountering. This will help us diagnose the problem more accurately.