I have received my certificate from Bolt IoT. But, I don't know that what I need to do next?

What do I need to do next.
I have received my certificate for completion of test.

Hi @tc28032010

Please log in to your course dashboard → scroll down and go to internship section, there you will find details of tasks that you have to do for internship certificate.

If you have any other doubts or queries ,please feel free to reach out.

Hello @tc28032010 You can apply for the Internship letter after downloading your certificate. Make some projects and upload on the platform to receive your internship certificate.

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login into the boltiot website and scroll down , there you can see internship details. If you are interested you can apply for it.

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Hi there,
You can use the internship section in the trainings page to get paid or unpaid(Guaranteed) internships. If you require an offer letter you can apply for the same in the trainings section.
You can use the internship certificate and the projects to build you resume.

Congrats@tc28032010 on getting training certificate !!

Follow these steps:
1.Login in to your Bolt Training Account
2.Scoll down to internship section of page
3.Choose between “Internships with stipend” and “Guaranteed Internship by Bolt IoT (Without Stipend)”
4.If you choose “Internships with stipend” , select company in which you want to do internship according to skills, stipend ,etc.
If you choose “Guaranteed Internship by Bolt IoT (Without Stipend”, you need to solve problems and submit code ,video and ppt as per problem and answer 4 forum queries. You can find more details about tasks there only