If I have already Linux in my computer then do I need to use Digital Ocen?

(1) I would like to know if I have already installed the Linux OS on my system, do I also need to create an account on Digital Ocean?

(2) If no, then what are the changes I need to make to follow all the instructions given during the training?

(3) Should I use a direct terminal to follow all the instructions?


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Hi @sarthakpatele305,
If you have locally installed a Linux-based operating system like Ubuntu, you can use its terminal directly. You need not create a digital ocean account in this case.

Do let me know if you need any other help.

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Dear @raghav.srivastava,

Thank you so much. It works for me.

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@sarthakpatele305 Anytime. We are always here to help. Do let me know if you need any other help.