In AI tranining telegram chatbot code give the error

Hi @shwetamoudgil123

In your code you have imported file which is not present in your project. Create a file called where you will store all the credentials required for the telegram project. The code for is given in the Training website in the topic “Working code for telegram bot”

Do try this and let us know. If you still face any issue, please feel free to get back to us.

Hi @shwetamoudgil123

I guess you have not installed the necessary libraries, you need to go to the shell in this replit, and then type the following command : pip install boltiotai . Also you have not made any file named but you have imported it, so you need to make a file named and then add the code.


Hi @shwetamoudgil123

Were you able to do the Telegram Bot project? Are you facing any issues? Do let us know the status.