Internship and training help for career growth and placement opportunities

Please add your suggestions regarding several companies and internship opportunities for career building purposes. Also ideas regarding sources of live project building is required.

  1. You could search for Internships on the forum itself. A few companies have posted requirements.
  2. We are working on a feature where internships will be listed on
  • I would love to hear ideas from the students as well on this. How did you get your internship?
  • If you are a working professional then you are advice will be appreciated. :smile:

Please post in the thread :point_down:

We get our internships by searching on :mag:

  1. Linkedin
    2.Social media Platforms (like instagram ads)
  2. Subscribing to Google Internship alerts
  3. Searching on different feilds and platforms (YouTube reviews etc,…)
    And so on…
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