Internship email

google drive email can be anything where we post our project files or is it mandatory to use email drive associated with your bolt iot account ?

Hi @sufiyaanzafar2003

While submitting the project files, you can upload the project file to google drive associated to any account. Just make sure that the folder is public so that we can access the drive and review your project.

If you still have any other queries, please feel free to reach out to us.

Hi Sufiyaan, You can upload for project files to any google drive account (does not have to be the same as your Bolt IOT account). Just make sure that the folder is public for anyone with the link to view.
You can check this by right clicking on folder, then Share Link option. Feel free to contact us to clear your doubts, if left any.

@sufiyaanzafar2003 Was your issue solved? Were you to submit your project files?