Iot training certificate

Can u provide me a certificate

To get the certificate at the end of the training, you will have to do the following tasks:

  1. answer an MCQ test which carries 40% weight
  2. shoot a project video of the final capstone project or any other IoT project that you build with Bolt and share it with us for review which carries 40%
  3. answer any two questions asked by other students on and share the link for the same at the time of submission of the test. This will carry 20% weight.

For that you have to give the CERTIFICATION TEST,

In the last section of training all the instruction regarding test is given .

please do read all the instruction given before give the certification test carefully because once the test start u will not able to quit the test and u can give the test only once.

Hey @rupabonigala!
I hope your doubt has been cleared. If not, let me tell you two points to get a certificate.

  1. You have to cover all the modules that are in the training course.
  2. After step-1, you have to give the certification test wherein, you have to satisfy all the criteria mentioned in the instruction set in order to be eligible for getting a certificate.

To get training certificate you have to pass 2 levels of challenges:

Challenge 1: Get 80% scholarship by writing an exam for training or u can pay the 100% fee without attempting the challenge.
Challenge 2: After completing the training period attempt an exam & get the required pass perecentage and earn your certificate.

You need to answer the Bolt Iot certification test to recieve the certificate.

:point_up_2: is the link to answer the certification test.

Answer the test and score 50% or above for completion certificate.

To get a certificate of python training you have to go through the following points:
1.You have to give an online exam which consists of 20 questions with each question carrying 5 marks. You have to score 40% or above in that exam. You will have 2 minutes to answer each question and the timer will be placed at the top right corner of each question.
2. Once you have completed your certification exam, you will receive your sore within 48 hours of the completion.
3. You will receive your certificate on your email.