Light monitor shows 1.02thousand reading in every lighting condition

So 1.02 thousand condition is the maximum limit of the can be due to two reason.

  1. Light is too much outside.So try take it in dark room and than check that reading changes or not.
  2. Check your circuit connection .I am not saying it’s not correct. It may be loose. So properly check that it is connected and provide diffrent lighting condition to it .

I think you should change your location where light is reduce. And put the module in the dark. So the system reflect another value of it and you get different reading from it.

Try to reduce the resistance you attached with LED. Instead of 10 K put 330ohm resistance you got in your kit. Hope it will help you.

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Hello @adityamalwade491,
If you are sure with your circuit connections just try to change the light conditions in your room. 1.02thousand is the maximum value it means that your light condition is so bright and constant. You can change your lighting conditions by turning off the room lights or else placing your light sensor circuit in different lighting conditions.

hey @adityamalwade491
If u are facing the same issue what i faced earlier make sure u change the intensity of light by flashing flashlight of your cellphone on LDR and push the data, if this method is still not working then make sure your connection on LDR and resistor don’t touch each other at all u will get your varied results.(make sure while handling with connections let the bolt device be in offline mode.)

@adityamalwade491 Hey! 1.02 thousand is the maximum limit of the sensor.If the problem persists after changing the lighting conditions,check your connection of the circuit.

  1. Connect LDR sensor to A0 pin through resistor
  2. Other end of LDR sensor to 3.3v pin
  3. Other end of resistor to Gnd pin
    (** Make sure the resistor and sensor are not in contact ) Hope it helps…

There is a problem with your hardware connection. I have encountered a similar problem and fixing my hardware properly gave me correct result. Check If one end of LDR is in 3v3 other in A0. Remember to put one end of ohm resistor in gnd and other in A0. Make sure LDR and ohm resistor do not touch.

Here in our project the default Maximum value is 1.02 thousand.
So it may be due to very bright light in your room and surrounding .
Try again after placing the LDR circuit in some dark place where light is very minimal.

Hey, see that the connections are good that you connected the LDR (3v3 to A0 ) and 10 ohm resistor(GND to A0)correctly make sure that the pin sits correctly in the following positions.Also turn off the bolt and turn on after making changes.

So 1.02 thousand condition is the maximum limit of the can be due to two reason.

  1. Light is too much outside.So try take it in dark room and than check that reading changes or not.
  2. Check your circuit connection .I am not saying it’s not correct. It may be loose. So properly check that it is connected and provide diffrent lighting condition to it .
    3For different reading you can place your finger or thumb over the sensor gently and it will give you a different reading.

What is the value we are getting from A0 pin. it is the voltage or what. If we are getting a value 900 that means that the resistance is high therefore voltage is high and the light is dark. Right

@mohdsaud2010 The value that we get from the A0 pin is the measure of the change in voltage. This change in voltage is inversely proportional to the amount of light falling on the LDR. Less the intensity of light falling on the LDR, greater is the resistance of the LDR thus greater is the voltage that is pulled by it.

So essentially, what you have understood is correct.

@adityamalwade491 See as discussed above that the maximum rating is 1.02 thousand, so we can not surpass that mark. But you have two options to get a different output:

  1. You can go to a location with less light than usual place or you can make the room darker.
  2. You can change the resistance of the LDR, as we have learnt that resistance of the LDR is inversely proportional to the intensity of light measured, so with a lesser resistance then can have much different output.

hope it works for you…

Hi, how do you know if the resistor and sensor are in contact or not?

Thank you @saminvincible3 it helped me to solve this problem