Mailgun response is 404 page not found

Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 295
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is 404 page not found


Kindly share with us the code so that we can have a look into it.

@rajeshmundotia Did you get the 404 error when you click on the link: If yes, then we have fixed it. You should be able to access it.

If not, then you you elaborate the flow of your project and where you get the 404 error?

GNU nano 4.8
import email_conf, json, time
from boltiot import Email, Bolt

minimum_limit = 320 #the minimum threshold of light value
maximum_limit = 600 #the maximum threshold of light value

mybolt = Bolt(email_conf.API_KEY, email_conf.DEVICE_ID)
mailer = Email(email_conf.MAILGUN_API_KEY, email_conf.SANDBOX_URL, email_conf.SENDER_EMAIL, email_conf.RECIPIENT_>

while True:
print (“Reading sensor value”)
response = mybolt.analogRead(‘A0’)
data = json.loads(response)
print ("Sensor value is: " + str(data[‘value’]))
sensor_value = int(data[‘value’])
if sensor_value > maximum_limit or sensor_value < minimum_limit:
print(“Making request to Mailgun to send an email”)
response = mailer.send_email(“Alert”, "The Current temperature sensor value is " +str(sensor_value))
print("Mailgun response is " + response.text)
except Exception as e:
print (“Error occured: Below are the details”)
print (e)

root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01:~# sudo python3
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 284
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 284
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email

but no mail received in email

now not showing error 404 but still i am not getting mail.

root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01:~# sudo python3
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 284
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 284
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email
Mailgun response is Mailgun Magnificent API
Reading sensor value
Sensor value is: 285
Making request to Mailgun to send an email

Kindly pay a visit to this link Unable to send mail via Mailgun over api or smtp - Stack Overflow and let us know if you are able to figure out the issue