My python code's output is not coming in the correct way as it is supposed to

If i write the code
print (“Hello World”)
print (2+2)
print (“2+2”)

It is displaying the message
→ poetry lock --no-update
Revolving dependencies…

And then after that is gives the output and if i type another code it displays the same thing again and again.

Hi @soumyashriyan

You may ignore the poetry unlock text that appears in the console. Your code will show you the output even if you get the message. You may go ahead and continue with the training

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Hi @soumyashriyan

You may ignore the poetry unlock text that appears in the console. Your code will show you the output even if you get the message. You may go ahead and continue with the training

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It seems like you’re encountering an unexpected behavior in your development environment. The message you’re seeing, poetry lock --no-update Revolving dependencies…, suggests that there might be an issue with your dependency management tool, Poetry.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:

  1. Check Poetry Installation: Ensure that Poetry is installed correctly and that you’re using the correct version. You can verify this by running poetry --version in your terminal.
  2. Check Project Configuration: Verify that your project’s pyproject.toml file, which Poetry uses for dependency management, is correctly configured. Make sure there are no syntax errors or inconsistencies.
  3. Update Poetry: If you’re not using the latest version of Poetry, consider updating it to the latest stable release. You can do this by running pip install --upgrade poetry.
  4. Check Poetry Environment: Ensure that Poetry is properly initialized in your project directory. You can do this by running poetry init if you haven’t already done so.
  5. Check for Poetry Lock File: Ensure that Poetry has generated a lock file (poetry.lock). This file contains the resolved dependencies for your project and is crucial for reproducible builds. If it’s missing, you can generate it by running poetry install.
  6. Check for Poetry Configuration: Review Poetry’s configuration settings, especially if you’ve made any customizations. You can view and modify these settings using the poetry config command.
  7. Check for Poetry Plugins: If you’re using any Poetry plugins, ensure that they’re compatible with your current setup and not causing any conflicts.
  8. Check System Environment: Make sure there are no environmental issues such as network connectivity problems or system misconfigurations that might be affecting Poetry’s ability to resolve dependencies.
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Possible Reasons for the Message:

  1. Running Poetry in your Environment: It’s possible you have Poetry set up in your development environment, and something you’re doing (like opening a Python interpreter or running a script) is triggering Poetry to refresh the lock file. The --no-update flag indicates you might have configured Poetry to avoid updating dependencies by default.
  2. Conflicting Commands: There’s a chance you might have accidentally run poetry lock --no-update before entering your code. The message would then appear before any subsequent code execution.

How to Rectify:

  1. Check for Poetry Integration: If you’re using an IDE or a code editor with Poetry integration, see if there are settings related to automatically running Poetry commands. You might want to disable any such settings if they’re causing the message to appear unintentionally.
  2. Review Recent Commands: Look at your terminal history or command prompt to see if you might have run poetry lock --no-update before entering your code.