Not able to download desktop image of ubuntu

I’m getting trouble downloading a desktop image for virtualbox. I used the link provided in the course and a .zip file downloaded, in that file there were many folders I checked almost all of them but no folder had desktop image. I tried installing directly from the ubuntu official website but I got the same result. I tried installing these folders in the virtualbox but it wanted a desktop image.Please help me with this issue.

I’m uploading the images of the folders which were downloaded and what’s inside the zip file.

@chaitanyagorty01 copy the link and try different browsers. The image file isn’t a compressed file so there is no point of extracting it.

It sometimes pose some difficulty while downloading, the downloading speed will be less but it will work definitely

@vishalvats2000 I tried installing it from chrome browser and microsoft edge. But again a zip file is getting downloaded.

You have the correct file. It’s not .zip file, I see disc image file only. You don’t have to extract or do anything with the downloaded file.

ubuntu-16.04.7-desktop-amd64 is your optical disk image file with an extension .iso. If you double click it, it can be opened using windows GUI, but thats not the correct way of installing the product.

:arrow_down: SOLUTION - :arrow_down:

Open virtual box, create a new virtual machine, select ubuntu with minimum RAM, then start the Ubuntu machine, there you will be asked to browse to the disc image file (which you downloaded)

@chaitanyagorty01 follow the steps provided in the tutorial. You just have to use the same file which you have downloaded while making an UBUNTU OS through the Virtual Box

Not while. After creating the virtual machine, you have to start(run) the machine and when prompted to install an OS, browse to the download location and follow the rest of the steps from the tutorial.

@akshayan.sinha thank you so much…this worked

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