Not able to give certification test

I have completed my training. And now when I want to give the certification test, when I enter the order ID the page doesn’t respond anything. And at the place of course access code it is not showing any code.

Also, the bar in picture below says that I have completed only 34% of training. Although I have completely taken all the lectures/workshop modules.

I am also getting the page below when I click on:

@alkapachori3 the screenshot you have shared shows that you haven’t completed all the lectures, try clicking the continue and complete tab above every lecture and it will then show 100% completion.

After that you will be able to appear for the final exam.

@alkapachori3 from my knowledge, i think to access each successive" IOT and ML" lecture you have choosen each lecture from left side (below the lecture progress status (in your shared screenshot just below ,where written “34% complete”)).To get out of this problem ,must try to continue your successive lecture via clicking on “Complete and Continue ->” tab.Once you follow this steps you definitely come to an end with 100% progress status and then you are able to take test with no difficulty.To access the bolt cloud try to go through this link (strictly type only this) and login.If problem persist after this, then try to open it in incognito tab of your browser. Enjoy you experiment with bolt.Best of Luck!!!