Project for assured internship

“Create an automated lighting system using the components in your IoT and ML kit. The project smartly turn on the LED when the room is dark and turn OFF the led when the room is bright. The project should collect the light data using the LDR sensor if the light value falls too low, i.e. the room is dark, turn ON an LED automatically. Once the light value comes above the threshold, automatically turn OFF the same. LED. The light data should be also be collected on the cloud to view as a graph. Complete the code and hardware connections for it along with a detailed video explaining the logic behind your code and the hardware connections.”
please can you help me to make this project please tell me the hardware connection and code

Hi @payalsune123

As this is a Internship task, we might not be able to directly help you with the code and connections. You can go through the training content, understand the concepts thoroughly and then build the project. While building the project if there are any errors or or any improvements then we will be able to provide you with the necessary help.

All the best!

You can refer the training course on IOT provided by boltiot and understand the concepts. After that you can easily identify the requirements of your project. If you cant you can ask chatgpt or any other websites that you are comfortable with.