Project work in Web Development Program

Good Evening
Can you please send me the reference code for movie finder project. As I make a code for it but the code is not working properly.

Movie Finder using BOLT IOT module

HTML Code :-

Movie Finder

Movie Finder

<div id="movieList"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>

JavaScript (script.js):-

const boltApiKey = ‘YOUR_BOLT_API_KEY’;
const deviceName = ‘YOUR_BOLT_DEVICE_NAME’;

const searchMovies = async () => {
const searchInput = document.getElementById(‘searchInput’).value;

// Make a request to the Bolt IoT device
const response = await boltCommand(`movie:${searchInput}`);

// Parse the response
const movieData = JSON.parse(response.value);

// Display the movie results
const movieList = document.getElementById('movieList');
movieList.innerHTML = '';

movieData.forEach(movie => {
    const movieItem = document.createElement('div');
    movieItem.innerHTML = `<h3>${movie.title}</h3>


const boltCommand = async (command) => {
const bolt = new Bolt();

try {
    await bolt.apiKey(boltApiKey);
    await bolt.device(deviceName);

    const response = await bolt.digitalWrite('1', 'HIGH');
    await delay(1000);

    const data = await bolt.analogRead('A0');
    const value = JSON.parse(data.value);

    await bolt.digitalWrite('1', 'LOW');

    return value;
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Bolt IoT error:', error);
    throw error;


const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

Hey is this code fine ?