Quiz 1 not able to attempt

not opening

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Hi @evinfrancis0602 May i know why you posted your suggestion as An query - Quiz 1 not able to attempt. Did you have any query then let us know.

@evinfrancis0602 I think that 1st you have to complete your account by providing all the details and then you can move on from the next time onwards. For the 1st one you can mostly choose a topic according to your choice and appear the quiz

You have click “complete and continue” after finish your topic in this lesson and then try to attempt the quiz may be your issue is resolved.

First of all, in order to attempt the quiz you should find all the modules and listen to them carefully to understand the concept. Then you are able to give the quiz smoothly without any hassles.

You have to click on the link (yellow color) in order to attempt the quiz, clicking on complete and next will shift you to the next lesson.