Regarding Bolt IOT module

Hello guys. I was writing code in nano editor for analogWrite and it worked fine. Thing is that I experimented with it and add different values in the same code. My concern is that can it damage the microcontroller. Uploading video and code for context.

from boltiot import Bolt
device_id = “BOLTXXXXX”
mybolt = Bolt(api_key, device_id)
response = mybolt.analogWrite(‘0’, ‘10’)
print (response)
response = mybolt.analogWrite(‘0’, ‘122’)
print (response)
response = mybolt.analogWrite(‘0’, ‘254’)
print (response)
response = mybolt.analogWrite(‘0’, ‘0’)
print (response)

Using the analogWrite function to send varying values, as you’ve shown in the code, generally does not damage the microcontroller itself. This function is typically used to send a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to the pin, allowing you to control the output voltage (often used for controlling things like LED brightness or motor speed). Varying the PWM values as you’re doing is safe for the microcontroller, but always be mindful of external components and current limitations.

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Okay. Thank you very much :pray:t2: