Regarding Completion Certificate

I have completed the Python Programming Training Course and scored 100% on the test and the message prompt said the certificate will be sent in 10 minutes to my mail but I didn’t receive any email after that.

Just curious to know if the certificate is sent after a few days or if did it not register.


Hi @o1234,

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Can you please share your Email ID with which you had purchased the training so that we can check the status and get back to you.

Hi, no issues. The email ID is

Did u recieved your certificate?

No, Havent received it yet.

Same with me, theh say they will send but they dont.

Hi @o1234 @saurabhm3050

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
We are looking into this and you will be receiving your certificates at the earliest.

Received it, thanks @rohit.ts