Regarding notes i am making in the iot course

Hello guys. I would like to upload notes i am making of each module I am studying. I would like to know would it be a problem if i upload them here??

one suggestion I would like to give if you get permission to upload notes do it on a daily basis like on Twitter they do 50 day challenge or something whatever you learn that the post about it similarly each day you go through the course make notes about it and upload this will be fun and will make you even more consistent
I am doing it on twitter , though I started it late but that actually helps to becoe more consistent and also motivates me to learn everyday something

Hi there @pulkitb169
There will be no issue if you upload them here (as of my experience), but I recommend the technique @riyazmullaji2003 suggested and along with that, you should probably create an account on a platform such as Tumblr or a forum site like this one to post your notes. Make sure you notify coders here to check out the site that you create. (These are pure suggestions nd you can do whatever you wish with your notes :D)


Thats a great idea. I planned on uploading it on linkedin actually but i thought this was paid a course and we cannot share notes we made from paid course on social media like that. As for the twitter, I am not much of a twitter user :sweat_smile:. You should do it on linkedin. Recruiters notice these things. All the best.

Tumblr sounds good. @riyazmullaji2003 is doing it on twitter and i will do it on tumblr. I will also mention the link of the original post. Thanks for reply!

@pulkitb169 : Do share the notes and let us know the link once done. We look forward to them. Also, sharing them publicly will help other students as well.

Sure. I will do it.Thank you for your response.

btw I am sharing my insights on twitter, acc name - riyytech , Sharing knowledge benefits everyone, and I hope and if someone wants they can connect with me

Module 1 Notes of IOT training(Bolt)

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Module 2 Notes of IOT training

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I have been delaying going through the course because of exams. And also there was some issue from Tumblr because of which they terminated my account. I am still trying to figure out why they did it. But for the time being I would be uploading notes here only.

Module 3 Notes of IOT training(Bolt)

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Module 4 Notes of IOT training(Bolt)

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Hello sir. While I was uploading notes for further modules. My post got flagged. Why did it happen?

Hi @pulkitb169

Apologies for the inconvenience. This might have happened due to some technical error. I have now cleared your post from the flagged post.

If you still face issue, please feel free to get back to us.

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Module 5 notes of IOT training(Bolt)


Thank you for sharing the notes. It will be helpful for other students in the community.

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Module 6 Notes of IOT training(Bolt)

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Module 7 notes of IOT training(Bolt)

Module 8 Notes of IOT training(Bolt)

Hi @pulkitb169

Thanks for sharing the notes , this will be helpful for other students.

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