Hello , first of all,
I’m enjoying the course and I’m understanding everything clearly , thanks to the mentor for using the best suited vocabulary !!
Actually , my doubt was ,
That the JS codes that we use to make our projects on bolt module ( I have till yet done the light intensity monitoring project only) , are the customised JS codes specially made for only the bolt module to understand or we can use these codes and it’s syntax , universally , I mean with other types of wifi modules(may not be bolt module) which supports JS codes…?
For example ,
The setChartType(), setChartLibrary (),setAxisName()…etc functions that we used in our project 1 JS coding are specially JS code functions made for Bolt module only or these code,functions and syntax are universally true with other types of WiFi modules also which supports JS…?
Hii @virajsheth0810
You can make user defined functions in JavaScript by the function keyword . The function definition can be your statements or procedures. You can also pass arguments to these functions. You have to include your javascript functions in your html code by the < script > tag. You can write any functions according to your choice of statements in javascript. You will learn about javascript in the training also .
I hope this will help you
Thank you!!
yes you can use these functions outside bolt console.
you may have to declare some functions first to call the functions mentioned above .
var chartBuilder = sheet.newChart();
hope this helps you.
Hii @pratheekreddy.t,
Thank you so much , I got that , but as you said inorder to use these functions outside bolt console I must declare them first
But from where should I learn the syntax required to declare these functions other than bolt console?
Because as I have only the knowledge to declare them on bolt console only , which I’ll be learning from the course , but what if it may happen that I m working on a project 1(plant light intensity monitor) other than bolt module , so for writing the JS code for that module I must write this same code that I used for Bolt or the code will differ ,
Also as u said I must define it first , but to define it in another module , from where can I learn that defining process as u said
var chartBuilder = sheet.newChart();