Showing syntax error in code when putting #

Please tell me the right place to add # to create a comment

@nidhiranka There is a # on line 27 and line 30. Please remove those. They are converting the { bracket into comment due to which you are getting the error. Do make this update and run your code.

Hi @nidhiranka , you need to remove # of line 27 and line 30 in order to make your code work and # can be added anywhere to create a comment but always ensure that it doesn’t interfere with the syntax of code.

@nidhiranka Is your issue resolved after the suggestion I shared above? Let me know. If you are getting issue with your code do share the screenshot of your code and the error.


Just press “ENTER” key on your keyboard, between # and { on line 27 and line 30.

That’s what solution looks like for line 27:
Your code : }, #{
change it to : }, #

Here { after # on line 27 is shifted to next line by pressing ENTER key.

you can do same thing for line 30.

This will allow you to write a comment on line 27 and 30.

Reply if that solved your problem, thank you

Hi there,
You can add # for making comments in the lines where there is no code text
In your case you have code text on line 27 ({) and line 30(})
Just delete the last # and shift the { on line 27 to 28 and write your comment on line 27.
Hope it helps