i want to use my own android app to interact with bolt module.again i want to implement my project ideas in the app.can i submit my android app as a project which interacts with bolt module?
is it mandatory to use bolt iot app for submission of projects?
please guide.
waiting for your replies.
Bolt Cloud provides Bolt Cloud API.If you have API then you can build your APP, Web APP in any languages because most of the languages offers requesting library to tigger the API.
For example:
Suppose I want to trigger the LED on Bolt in java so Java has a package OkHttpClient to triggers API.
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.method("GET", null)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
Do let me know in case you need further assistance.
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Thank You.
but can i submit this project?
If you are talking about submitting it as a final project on the Bolt IoT platform then yes of course you can submit it.
Do let me know in case you need further assistance.
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