Telegram based temperature alert project

I am not getting any output after running the code for the temperature alert project. Please help me with us. It’s not showing any error either.

Hi @jebo22mca,

You will need to create a new python file using the command sudo nano
And then type the code given in the trainings save it using CTRL + X followed by ENTER key.

Can you confirm if you have done this step??
Here is the code for your reference:

import requests                 # for making HTTP requests
import json                     # library for handling JSON data
import time                     # module for sleep operation

from boltiot import Bolt        # importing Bolt from boltiot module
import conf                     # config file

mybolt = Bolt(conf.bolt_api_key, conf.device_id)

def get_sensor_value_from_pin(pin):
    """Returns the sensor value. Returns -999 if request fails"""
        response = mybolt.analogRead(pin)
        data = json.loads(response)
        if data["success"] != 1:
            print("Request not successfull")
            print("This is the response->", data)
            return -999
        sensor_value = int(data["value"])
        return sensor_value
    except Exception as e:
        print("Something went wrong when returning the sensor value")
        return -999

def send_telegram_message(message):
    """Sends message via Telegram"""
    url = "" + conf.telegram_bot_id + "/sendMessage"
    data = {
        "chat_id": conf.telegram_chat_id,
        "text": message
        response = requests.request(
        print("This is the Telegram URL")
        print("This is the Telegram response")
        telegram_data = json.loads(response.text)
        return telegram_data["ok"]
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred in sending the alert message via Telegram")
        return False

while True:
    # Step 1
    sensor_value = get_sensor_value_from_pin("A0")    
    print("The current sensor value is:", sensor_value)
    # Step 2
    if sensor_value == -999:
        print("Request was unsuccessfull. Skipping.")
    # Step 3
    if sensor_value >= conf.threshold:
        print("Sensor value has exceeded threshold")
        message = "Alert! Sensor value has exceeded " + str(conf.threshold) + \
                  ". The current value is " + str(sensor_value)
        telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
        print("This is the Telegram status:", telegram_status)

    # Step 4
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