Unable to access course with given coupon code

I am unable to access the course. I got a coupon code after getting the course for free when i gave the exam for free access to the course. I have already paid for and received the kit.

Hi @yashpb00,
Please log in here. It might be the case that your training is already activated. Let me know if you can’t access the training after logging in. Also, make sure you use the same email with which you purchased the training.

I did login on that link. I went on “my products” and yet i couldnt access the course. I went to my profile to check my subscriptions and its empty.

Hi @yashpb00,
I have taken this to the team and we’ll fix the issue as soon as possible.

Any updates to my issue? I’m still not able to access the course. Its been about a week since I received the hardware and I’m still not able to access the course

Hi @yashpb00,
I am waiting for a response from the team. I’ll let you know as soon as I get any updates.

@yashpb00 Apologies for the delay. You have been manually enrolled in the training. You can login to https://trainings.boltiot.com/ and login with your email id: yashpb00@gmail.com and the password you set.

Let us know once you get the access.

Yes, I’ve received acces to the course. Thank you for the help, looking forward to completing the course!

logout and try using again

I am facing the same issue. I tried to log out and log in again but it is not working.Please help me with this isuue

HI @me20btech11032 ,
I have taken this to the team and we’ll fix the issue as soon as possible.

@me20btech11032 We see that you have already applied your access code and have access to the training.

Please visit https://trainings.boltiot.com/ and log in with the email id: me20btech11032@iith.ac.in and the password you set.