Video is not loading despite having a strong internet connection

got back to the videos to revise but they are taking too much time to get loaded even after having a strong internet connection

Hi @vasumehrotra04

Can you try accessing the training videos on a different browser and a different phone / laptop? Also try using a different internet connect (you can use mobile data or wifi).

Do try this and let us know. If it still does not solve the issue, then please send a screen recording of the issue, and we will solve it at the earliest.

You can try theseā€¦

  1. Refresh the page and clear cache
  2. Close all other unnecessary tabs if its open
  3. Switch Browsers or Device:
    I think its already mentioned to use google chrome as browser for training and accesing bolt cloud. So, try to use google chrome
  4. Contact bolt iot support for help if above methods dont work

hi @vasumehrotra04
Try clearing Cache and Cookies,you can also try opening in incognito mode.