Video Missing in module 2

hello…i think there is a video missing in module 2 in the course html basics 2 between introduction to CSS in html and adding CSS in html as the the code which was there in the previous video completely changed in the upcoming video…pls chk it out and inform as soon as possible…thanks…

No, bro, nothing is missing there. In the video introduction to CSS, we are just introduced to what CSS is. In the next video, we are taught the types of CSS and how to implement them. Although in the previous videos, we were already familiar with inline CSS…

Hi @anand.nitc

We have recently added all the videos which were missing in the training. Now the course content is updated and you can continue to learn. Is there any specific topic that you need help with? If yes, then please let us know, we will provide you with a brief explanation over this forum.