What are the ports 0/1/2/3/4 and RX/TX in Bolt WiFi module for?

What are the ports 0/1/2/3/4 and RX/TX in Bolt WiFi module for ?
Can we connect 2 sensors ,like one in 0 and the other sensor in 1?

the ports 1/2/3/4 are the digital pins from which we can take the output ,for taking the input/output we can set a pin as either input or output via a software code.
where as RX/TX are the ports used as transmitter and receiver where RX stands for receiver and TX stands for transmitter.
yes we can connect 2 sensors in a bolt kit but when it comes to a sensor which gives a analog output we need to use a pin called A0 which is a ADC(analog to digital) pin which will help in that case.
some sensors will give you a digital output sensors like a IR sensor which will give you output only 0 or 1.
so I hope that you got a clarity of what you where confused about.
thank you!
~abdul samad

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Ok so as you told we can connect 2 sensors in a bolt kit. I wanted to connect temperature (LM35) and light (LDR) sensors. So can I connect any one sensor to A0 pin and other one to any one pin from 0/1/2/3/4 ?

no you can connect only one sensor at a time either LM35 or LDR cause both of them will give a analog output so we need a ADC PIN and we have only one ADC PIN so you can only connect one of each at a time.
thank you!