What exactly is <a </a> defined and where should we use it

What is Anchor Tag?
Click here to redirect to this page again(This will simply open the same page in new tab.) is known as anchor tag which is used in html language.
It must consist of both starting<%a> and ending tag<%/a>. I have added “%” symbol to make the tag appear in this context or it will consider both tags as some hyperlink here. Use “%” when you need to comment a tag or simply want to hide it from the code execution.
Inside this, we can have many attributes like,

  1. href-> this attribute specifies the url of the page the link goes to,
  2. hreflang-> this attribute specifies the language of the linked document,
  3. rel-> this attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document
  4. target-> this attribute specifies where to open the linked document,
  5. type-> this attribute specifies the media of the linked document,
  6. download-> this attribute specifies that the target will be downloaded when a user click on the provided hyperlink.

It can be used for many purposes like, adding a link of another page, image, video, or any other format of link in it.
Examples are:

  1. Image
  2. Video,
  3. or Web page

Where can we use?
We can use anchor tag when we need to provide a hyperlink to the user to redirect from one page to another page. We can also add various media rather than redirecting users to simply webpages, provide downloadable contents, specifying the type of media linked with the hyperlink and many more as mentioned above.