posting a video link to get what an API exactly is!
An API stands for Application programming interface. An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you’re requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.
I will give an example based on this topic then you understand very well.
When you type into your browser, a request goes out to Facebook’s remote server. Once your browser receives the response, it interprets the code and displays the page.
The Bolt Cloud API provides an interface for communication between the Bolt devices and any 3rd party system e.g. mobile application, web server, python programs etc. The API contains very intuitive control, monitoring, communication and utility functions for the Bolt Devices connected to your account. The Bolt Cloud API uses HTTP protocol for the communication and uses the HTTP GET and HTTP POST methods. Hence users can execute actions and retrieve information from Bolt devices programmatically using conventional HTTP requests.
You may follow below link for more details on API:
API stands for Application Programming Interface.
If you’re not a technical person, that probably doesn’t clear anything up, so I’ll help to break it down.
An interface is a way for two different parties to speak to each other in a way that they both understand.
For example, you can use your keyboard to communicate with your laptop & your fingers to communicate with the iPhone’s touch screen.
To generalize further, the “interface” between two people speaking is the language of their communication, as they both understand all of the content, protocols and rules of the conversation.
An API is a way to allow computer systems to have a common interface, so they can communicate with each other.
API Stands for Application Programming Interface. Here is Bolt API is used for connecting bolt device to third party messaging . This is a type of interface which provide communication channel in between two or more than two systems.
API Stands for Application Programming Interface. Here is Bolt API is used for connecting bolt device to third party messaging
API is nothing but application programming interface,
in simple words it is like a waiter who acts like an interface between the customer and the chef inside the kitchen.
just imagine chef is the programmer here and the customer is the application here.
to communicate with ease between these both the waiter acts as an interface.
API stands for Application Programming Interface.
An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you’re requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.
say an eg. when a waiter come to ask you to choose food from the menu and goes to the chef and take the food from the chef and again back to you. the waiter is same as waiter allows you to talk to chef just as API do.