Does this website requires any javascript code ?..plz take a look and tell me !
Yes, the website uses JavaScript code.
When you inspect the website using the browser’s developer tools, you can see that there are several JavaScript files included in the HTML code. The website uses JavaScript for various functionalities such as navigation, animations, form validations, and more.
Yes the inventrom website requires javascript. The specific place where javascript is used is for creating the hamburger menu. When you decrease the size of your browser window all the navigation links disappear and a hambuger like menu pops up right beside the logo.
The functioning of this menu is written in Javascript.
To determine if the Inventrom website specifically requires JavaScript code, you can try visiting the website with JavaScript disabled in your web browser. If the website functions properly and displays all content without JavaScript enabled, then it does not strictly require JavaScript. However, if certain features or functionalities are missing or not working as expected, it’s likely that JavaScript is required for those aspects of the website.
Keep in mind that websites often use JavaScript to enhance the user experience, so while the core content may still be accessible without JavaScript, some interactive elements or advanced features may not work as intended.
Yes, the website requires JavaScript code.
The website uses JavaScript for functionalities such as navigation and for the hamburger menu, when you restore your browser window the navigation links disappear and a hamburger menu pops up at top right corner beside the inventrom logo to help you navigate the webpage.
Yes, The requires javascript code. However its not difficult to build. If you inspect the website and see with different screen sizes you will notice that the links in the navbar are getting disappeared. Therefore we need javascripts codes to build website ‘’
Yes, it’s being used for making the website responsive. To be precise, it’s being used to toggle the navbar styles.
@mohithk487 If i u just see the browser version of this website you actually fell that there is no JavaScript required but when if change the view to a phone mode you see that a navbar appear and for making the toggle method for navbar we need javascript DOM manipulation.
So Yes this website uses Javascript .
Also you can always inspect the website for indetail view of any website,try exploring network tab source tab .