Bolt IoT Innovation Challenge 3.0

Hi @rahul.singh1

In the website, it is mentioned that the deadline for Innivation Challenge 3.0 is 31 December 2021. I have submitted my project for the challenge in the previous month itself.

I just want to ask that when will the result for the same will be disclosed because for the last edition the result was delayed a lot. So, if you can just provide a rough estimate of the results then it will make things clearer.

Also, the submission time is over or it has been extended?

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Any update regarding this!


I shall check with the team and let you know of this.

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Okay @akshayan.sinha

Any update regarding this will also be great

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Waiting for that to happen :slightly_smiling_face:

@akshayan.sinha @rahul.singh1 I guess some update has to to posted from your end after 23 days.


We have updated the dates, so the results has been postponed accordingly.

You can check the details here -

Okay. Seen :+1:. Will wait for the results. I hope they will be announced by the end of 2002