Hello Everyone! I am glad to announce, that I will be taking a session upcoming week!!
Learn to build Custom Dashboards to control Bolt Products on 2021-07-17T12:30:00Z
Join the workshop and take the control of your appliance, but with a GREAT user interface. Build custom buttons, gauge graph, and say BYE-BYE to the old dull webpage.
Pros of the event - (Limited to only workshop attendees)
- Get all the scripts of the Dashboard and Gauge.
- Control your bolt using Python, without the boltiot package installed.
- Even after refreshing the webpage, the page will KNOW if any pins were set to HIGH.
- Be a part of the dashboard on my website. You can control your module with just a click of a button from my page. (After workshop)
To know more about Gauge Graph - Visit the forum topic
Register NOW and Join me in the session - https://lu.ma/awl3pl6h