🎟️ FREE LIVE Workshop on Saturday, 17th July, 2021

:wave: Hello Everyone! I am glad to announce, that I will be taking a session upcoming week!!

:space_invader: Learn to build Custom Dashboards to control Bolt Products on 2021-07-17T12:30:00Z :timer_clock:

:computer: Join the workshop and take the control of your appliance, but with a GREAT user interface. Build custom buttons, gauge graph, and say BYE-BYE to the old dull webpage. :cold_sweat:

:old_key: Pros of the event - (Limited to only workshop attendees)

  1. Get all the scripts of the Dashboard and Gauge.
  2. Control your bolt using Python, without the boltiot package installed.
  3. Even after refreshing the webpage, the page will KNOW if any pins were set to HIGH.
  4. Be a part of the dashboard on my website. You can control your module with just a click of a button from my page. (After workshop)

:information_source: To know more about Gauge Graph - Visit the forum topic

:man_office_worker: Register NOW and Join me in the session - https://lu.ma/awl3pl6h


:computer: Want to create your own IoT dashboard? Join us for a FREE live online workshop this Saturday and Learn to build Custom Dashboards to control Bolt Products.
Click on this link to register: https://lu.ma/awl3pl6h

Hello Everyone !

To anyone who has missed my workshop, you can visit my website - https://akshayansinha.netlify.app/safebox/homeautomation/ and put in your device credentials to control your Bolt.

Its a static page, none of the details will be saved or be sent anywhere - including device credentials and location.

Location will be asked to grab the weather in your location. You can block it when prompted, if you don’t want to see the weather details.

Enjoy! :grin:

@trust_level_0 @trust_level_1