"Unable to join the network" message received when trying to connect to the Bolt hotspot in iphone12(IOS15)

HI All,

I am using my cousin’s bolt device, he enabled 'Sharing the device publicly" I downloaded the 'BoltIOT" from Apple store trying to do intial setup but unable to proceed with.

Please note once boltIOT module connected to the power source both 'Blue LED & Green LED are turned on.

Attached the screenshot. please do needful


Is the device already setup with the device owner’s account?

Please confirm, whether the green LED was turned ON, while your wifi setting showed the Bolt Device Name on your phone.

Hi Akshayan,

Is the device already setup with the device owner’s account?
YES but later we discoonected with the cloud

whether the green LED was turned ON, while your wifi setting showed the Bolt Device


The Greenlight indicates whether it is connected to any account on Bolt Cloud. Please check the account, if there are any devices visible in there. You could check on the App of the previous phone, where it was used for the connection.

The Bolt module usually turns ON its Bolt Hotspot, when it is not connected to any wifi network nearby.

You can start with cutting off the wifi it was connected with, to let the Bolt Module switch to hotspot mode and start the blue light blinking slowly. Then go ahead and use the app for connection.

The issue you are facing could be related to your device as well, whose result can be found on - How to Fix Unable to Join Network Error on iPhone and iPad

Update me once you try the connection process without any active wifi network the bolt gets connected with.

Thanks for the quick response Akshay. let me check

Hi Akshay,

Verified with the previous phone(Android) which was used for the connection now in that phone it is not dispaying the device connected and i tried the same steps but no use.

Could you please let me know is there any issue with IOS version 15
In My phone(iphone 12mini) it is not even showing the hotspot name.


This is the first time we have had a query regarding iOS. We’ll look out for any issue in the App.

Did you followup with the below method?

@akshayan.sinha yes followed but no progress.


Tell us in detail what went wrong.

Shall we connect on ‘Zoom Call’?


You can write to me at akshayan.sinha@boltiot.com

We can hold a zoom call on Monday. Will help you through the setup process, and find out what’s going wrong.

@akshayan.sinha I replied to your mail id with the steps i followed.



That means you haven’t disconnected the device from the Account. Your module is still connected to the email ID.

First off it needs to be unlinked from the account, then you can go ahead and start conencting from a new account.

You can mail regarding the same from the linked email ID to my email, or post(using that email ID) it on this thread, mentioning that you want your device to be unlinked(along with the email ID).

You should have mentioned that you haven’t unlinked the device from the account. Device sharing publicly, only allows you to view the product the device is using. And only the particular link Bolt Cloud is used to access the product the device is using.

Let me know if you have any other queries.

@akshayan.sinha Hi replied to your mail and mentioned the mail id which was linked to the old account.

Please check


I haven’t received any mail yet.

I sent to this mail id


Yes, that’s correct. Check the email ID you’re typing.

@akshayan.sinha hi i sent one more email from abhikumarabhikumar@outlook.in.

Can you please check now.


Yes, now I saw it on the spam folder.

You need to send an email from the Email ID you need the module to be removed from, as confirmation. In a way, only a confirmation from that user/account, will be accepted for the same.

Ok we will send now from this email jagadishvaranasi123@gmail.com.